All students are required to dress in the manner adopted by their schools. Students must wear sneakers on the days of physical education along with the gym uniform (blue shirt/sweatshirt and blue knee length shorts/sweatpants).
Grades: Kindergarten to 5th: | Grades: 6th, 7th and 8th: |
TOPS: Light blue collar uniform tops. Long-sleeve shirts are to be worn UNDER the uniform shirt. | TOPS: Dark blue collar uniform tops. Long-sleeve shirts are to be worn UNDER the uniform shirt. NO HOODED SWEATSHIRTS OF ANY FASHION ARE ALLOWED. |
BOTTOMS: Navy blue pants or uniform skirts. Navy blue sweatpants are only allowed on scheduled gym days. Oversized pants, skinny jeans, jeans, or stretch pants are NOT ACCEPTABLE. | BOTTOMS: Khaki pants or uniform skirts. Khaki sweatpants are only allowed on scheduled gym days. Oversized pants, skinny jeans, jeans, or stretch pants are NOT ACCEPTABLE. |
Closed shoes or sneakers are ACCEPTABLE. The following footwear is not permitted: slip-on shoes, slipper-shoes, slippers, clogs, crocks, sandals, flip-flops, platform shoes, shoes that do not have a back on them, any shoes that expose the toes, or shoes with more than a one-inch heel. Again, these types of shoes are a safety hazard.

8th graders in uniform
HEAD-WEAR: Hoods, hats, head- scarves, bonnets, bandanas, chopstick hair accessories, etc. are NOT permitted.
Dress Code: What’s In?
- Uniform shirts and bottoms approved by the school
- Pants worn correctly at waist
- Belts worn with trousers
- Clothing that fits–not too tight, too big, too small, too short, or too long
- ONLY Uniform sweaters or cardigans
Dress Code: What’s Out?
- Oversized T-shirts
- Exposure of undergarments
- Stocking caps, “doo rags,” bandanas, or hats
- Muscle shirts or halter tops
- Spaghetti straps or see-through clothing
- NO JEANS can be worn under uniform pants
or skirts, NO ripped jeans - Big earrings, larger than a quarter, are NOT permitted
- Skirts, skorts, or shorts that are above the knee.
- Ear buds and cell phones or any type of electronic devise

Fourth graders in uniform